“Woe unto you, when all men shall speak well of you! for so did their fathers to the false prophets.”
-Luke 6:26-
Negative comments can be discouraging. In most cases, its aim is to distract you from your goal and poison your mind against people; and so this is a well- used tactic of the devil. Instead of getting discouraged or developing hatred towards such people, what you should do is examine yourself to ensure that those comments are untrue.
If they are true, then see it as God giving you a chance to amend your ways. Take the necessary steps towards change by first appreciating God for that opportunity and then asking Him for His mercy and help to amend your ways. Begin to work on yourself and conduct constant self- evaluations to measure growth.
On the other hand, if those comments are untrue, you must refuse to be offended, intimidated, discouraged, or hateful. Learn to forgive your offender by consciously purging yourself of every hurt you might feel. You can also go a step further by praying for them; as I have found that praying for your enemies gives to you the peace and joy that cannot be explained or replaced.
You can’t keep picking a fight with everyone that has offended you; otherwise, you will end up carrying a baggage too heavy for you and your ministry. Besides, unforgiveness beclouds your sensitivity to God. Yes, you may feel hurt and it is understandable. However, your first call of duty is to preserve your relationship with God. You cannot serve God acceptably if you harbour unforgiveness in your heart. It does not matter who the offender is; you owe yourself a duty to forgive always and at all cost.
Ultimately, the devil planned to use that situation for evil, but when you let go of all offences, you are climbing a step higher than your offenders. You must keep your mind on the prize, and so, discipline must therefore be your watchword. Discipline to forgive the “unforgiveables”. There is nothing like having a free conscience, so forgive your offenders today.
Remain Blessed!
Pastor Faith Abiola Oyedepo is the wife of Dr. David Oyedepo, the founder of the Living Faith Church Worldwide a.k.a. Winners’ Chapel, and Senior Pastor of Faith Tabernacle, Canaanland, Ota, Nigeria.
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