Topic: DOES VIRGINITY EQUAL PURITY? - Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Does virginity equal purity?

“But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.”
-Matthew 5:28-

In recent times, it has been found that purity has been mistaken for virginity. It seems to be taught that once sex has not taken place, that person is “pure”. We forget though that our thoughts and words also determine our purity. Involvement in certain actions which don’t necessarily go “all the way” but cross certain boundaries (as understood individually, knowing that our body is where Christ resides), also defile the body.
To really get what it means to be pure, let’s define it using water. No matter how clear a glass or bowl of water is, if there is in it the tiniest particle, it can be considered harmful. Similarly, it does not matter if you are still a virgin (represented by the glass); even if only your mind is corrupted (represented by the particle), then you are being defiled.

I use the mind in this analogy because every act begins as a thought in the mind. Before you tell a lie, steal from your place of work, or lay in bed with that man who is not your husband, it is first a thought that passes through your mind. When you let it linger, it may then translate into an action. This is why I would paraphrase the above scripture as “if anyone looks at the opposite sex lustfully, he or she has committed adultery or fornication, in the mind.”

So, it is not about whether or not you are a virgin, but whether or not you remain pure. Let purity be your state of being. It requires the constant cleansing of your spirit, soul, and body (1 John 3:3). God is pure and in Him there is no filthiness. He has called you to be like Him and so has called you to be pure; therefore giving you the power to do so, through the help of the Holy Spirit.

For today therefore, shun those impure thoughts! Flee from every appearance of evil or any defiling habit. Also, mind the friends you move with, what they talk about, watch, and do. More so, guard yourself with the Word of truth, so you don’t get swayed by every wind of doctrine. You are precious in God’s eyes, and you deserve the best.

Remain Blessed!

SOURCE: Faith Oyedepo

Pastor Faith Abiola Oyedepo is the wife of Dr. David Oyedepo, the founder of the Living Faith Church Worldwide a.k.a. Winners’ Chapel, and Senior Pastor of Faith Tabernacle, Canaanland, Ota, Nigeria.
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